Thoughts on Manifest

Manifest, available on Netflix.

I hate the whole “let’s grieve together” thing.. If I die, please, my dear friends, do not hook up with my ex, ok? I want you to be happy when I’m gone, sure, but do not steal my old life because it’s just creepy and it is certainly not what I want! You will not have my blessing, let’s be clear about it. So if you wanna do it, do it for yourself and keep me out of it. Earn your mess, you know? And be sure I’ll be mad about it the same way I would be if I were still alive, so if you still wanna do it, fine, do it, but own your shit. Don’t you dare try to pretend it’s okay because it isn’t and it never will be.

Really, I don’t know how Michaela didn’t tell Lourdes to go to hell. Honestly! The girl married her fiancée and had the nerve to come back to question the fact that they were still in love? She was the rebound girl, she knew it from the start and she married him anyway. And now she’s mad? Sorry, she doesn’t get to be mad about it.. She could have anyone and instead she chose her best friend’s fiancée? So no, I don’t feel for her at all. Maybe next time she should just keep her legs closed and be responsible for her own actions.

And what about Jared? I have no words for him whatsoever. He chose to marry the rebound girl, so why is he upset? It was his fucking choice! If he was still in love with his ex, he shouldn’t have married her best friend, that’s just so messy. Ok, I get it, he thought she was dead and all, but still! There are zillion people in the world, he didn’t have to be with his fiancée’s best friend. Come on! How lazy is he?

And then Michaela comes back and he has the audacity to try to win her back before ending things with his wife – her best friend! Why does he even felt like it was okay to do it? Come on! Men are so predictable, honestly. Of course he wouldn’t leave the rebound to be alone. He doesn’t wanna take any chances. He wants the certainty of Michaela’s acceptance and that’s what bothers me the most. It’s like he can’t take responsibility for his own actions – in this case, his failed marriage. No, he needs to put the responsibility on someone else. He would leave his wife to be with Michaela, but he would never leave his wife just because he wasn’t in love with her anymore, you know? He’s obviously not interested in making any decisions, he put that on Michaela’s account so Lourdes can be mad at her, not at him.

And that’s so very much stupid for my taste, you know? Selfish, stupid, lazy and weak. And I’m not surprised at all because it’s so fucking predictable. I guess it’s clear I despise both of them, right? Also, I think Michaela was lucky she was on that plane so she had the chance to see who those people really were. Selfish bastards – yeah, I’m rolling my eyes at them right now..

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